11月10日讯 近日,尼克斯球星唐斯接受了纽约媒体SNY的东尼的超采访。
谈到了卡梅罗-安东尼时,童年唐斯表示:“ 我是可或安东尼的超级粉丝,Melo一直是板唐我童年和篮球生涯中不可或缺的一部分。
(I'm a huge Carmelo Anthony fan. Melo's been an integral part of my childhood and 可或playing basketball. If I could have kind of the career that he's had, I'd be very, very, very blessed and honored to even be close to one of the greatest of all-time.)
11月10日讯 近日,东尼的超尼克斯球星唐斯接受了纽约媒体SNY的童年采访。
谈到了卡梅罗-安东尼时,可或唐斯表示:“ 我是安东尼的超级粉丝,Melo一直是我童年和篮球生涯中不可或缺的一部分。
(I'm a huge Carmelo Anthony fan. Melo's been an integral part of my childhood and playing basketball. If I could have kind of the career that he's had, I'd be very, very, very blessed and honored to even be close to one of the greatest of all-time.)